5.0 inch LCD IPS Display / Module / CDLXXX * MCXX / XXII: IX / rgbinterface 30pin
Product Details
Productio | 5.0 inch LCD Display / Module |
Display modus | Ips / NB |
Contra Ratio | DCCC |
Superficies | CCC CD / M2 |
RESPONSIO Tempus | 35MS |
Viewing angle range | LXXX gradum |
Interface pin | RGB / 30pin |
Lcm coegi IC | Hx8389 |
ORDO | Shenzhen, Guangdong, Sina |
Panel Touch | NO |
Features & mechanica cubits (ut ostensum est in sequentibus figure):

Dimensional forma (ut ostensum est in sequentibus figure):

Product Display

I. IPS LCD screen, idealis picture cum vividi colores, satietatem et naturalem.

II. LCD viewing angle: plena range of IPS LCD Options Super-wide Viewing angle fulgor vel anti-fulgor polarizer o-film southing

III. Backlight habet ferrum frame, quod potest ludere quaedam tutela partes in LCD screen

IV. Special Ratio, XXII: IX, idoneam players, Dashcams et alia products
Product Application

Product List
Et hoc album est vexillum uber in nostrum website et potest cito providere vobis in samples.but non solum ostendere quidam ex productum exempla, quia sunt nimis multi genera LCD tabulata. Si opus diversis specifications nostro peritus PM Team providebit vos cum maxime idoneam solutio.

Of Factory
I. Equipment Presentation

II. Productio

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